
Edmonton Lifestyle Photography

October 19, 2012

These two little boys had me from the moment they batted those long dark eyelashes.  Little Cruz could not be any cuter trying to be just like dad- wanting to drive his ’69 Chevelle and trying to play soccer just like him.  Little Jax made me melt with his giant smiles.  I’m smitten with them both. Cruz loved making his little brother smile- he’d get the funny faces going and stuck his tongue out just trying to make him laugh. It’s obvious the he adores being a big brother and helping take care of Jax. There’s not much I love more then seeing the bonds between siblings grow. No one will quite understand you the way your brother (or sister) does. It’s a gift to have those relationships- these brothers are lucky. And these parents are lucky to have such a perfect little family.

Thanks for a wonderful evening of playing and laughing under the late fall sun. I loved my little glance into your lives.

