
Christine & Jimmy- Edmonton Engagement Photography

October 10, 2012

Now that Christine & Jimmy are married it’s a perfect time to post their engagement portaits. Okay, so I’m a wee bit behind 🙂 But only a wee bit. I do have a lot coming up on here in the next week, so brace yourselves for lots of awesome people looking pretty. I will be caught up soon, promise 🙂

Okay, back to Christine and Jimmy. They’re cute. They’re musical. They’re happily in love. And Christine has the best laugh. You can even see a little glimpse of it in these engagement portaits. It’s the kind of belly laugh that makes her whole face radiate with happiness. I could tell within moments of meeting her that her elementary music students must just adore her.  Jimmy adores her too…..and the feeling is  obviously mutual.

It’s been a super fun getting to know you both,







These are absolutely gorgeous!