
Frost Family- Edmonton Family Photography

November 26, 2012

Quite simply, the Frost Family is  adorable. Their daughter was a wee baby last time I photographed them and it honestly feels like yesterday.  How can time be passing so quickly? I’m going to blink my eyes and Christmas will be here too, sigh.

It was a teeny bit chilly the day we met for their family lifestyle session so we popped over to my friends studio for a few quick images before heading outside. The kiddos loved running around Smith’s Crossing and I loved watching them find beaver dams, giant leaves and mud puddles (their parents may have not loved that last one so much, :p ). I really enjoy spending mornings with families who love being together. And I really enjoy hanging out with kids as funny and witty as these two!





Kelsy you did such a great job capturing this beautiful family!!!