

May 21, 2010

Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.

-Omar Khayyam

Last week my daughter Violet went through a ridiculous up-every-hour-on-the-hour stage for 5 nights in a row. Now she isn’t a good sleeper to begin with- I am still up with her every three hours normally- but this was just crazy. I was trying to keep up with the business stuff  during the day and trying to not go looney from sleep deprivation. One night as I tried to rock her back to sleep, on the verge of tears from frustration and  exhaustion, this quote filled my mind.  As Violet whimpered back to sleep I remembered how lucky I really am to have a crying baby and how blessed I am to have this life. I was then truly happy for that moment:  to look at her perfect face and hear the quiet of night. Maybe some day I’ll miss it.

Tim and I try to be very grateful people. We know how blessed we are and how lucky we are to live in a beautiful country, have a safe home with clean water and have a beautiful healthy daughter. Living in the moment is something we sometimes forget- especially when things aren’t perfect or the little miss is testing us. Moments pass quickly and each one makes up our life. If we constantly wait for things to get better or for things to change we will miss what is truly amazing right in front of us now. Being happy and grateful for small things- even the things that could be looked upon as trials- help us to live a fuller life.

So next time snoring keeps you awake or someone slow driving makes you sigh, try to take the moment and be happy for it. You are blessed in so many ways.

And a picture for the post- Violet at 4 1/2 months. How lucky am I to wake up to this?




Great words to live by